By Jon Rappoport
Roundup is the Monsanto herbicide that is touted as the cornerstone of GMO food crops. Monsanto claims these crops are genetically engineered to withstand heavy spraying of Roundup.
Therefore, the crops live and the weeds die. Breakthrough.
There are several key lies associated with these claims—but a new one has surfaced.
A study to be published this month indicts Roundup and, in fact, the general class of insecticides and herbicides. On what grounds? When they’re tested for safety, only the so-called “active ingredients” are examined.
The untested ingredients are called “adjuvants,” and they are said to be inert and irrelevant. But the new study concludes this is far from true. The adjuvants are actually there to INCREASE the killing power of the active ingredient in the herbicide or insecticide.
Safety tests don’t take this into account. “Active ingredients” are already toxic, but the adjuvants ramp up their poisonous nature even higher.
And the worst offender is Roundup.
Here are key quotes from a January 31 article at GM Watch, “Pesticide approvals misleading—and Roundup most toxic of 9 pesticides tested.”
“Pesticide formulations as sold and used are up to 1000 times more toxic than the isolated substance that is tested and evaluated for safety.”
“Roundup the most toxic of herbicides and insecticides tested.”
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